Article 10 Notices & Events

Regulatory Filings

Notice of Availability of Application-Stage Intervenor Funds and Schedule for Submitting Funding Requests

  • Application-stage intervenor funding is available for eligible municipalities and local parties to participate in the proceeding. Municipal and local parties intending to request application-stage intervenor funding must file their requests no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 20, 2021. The notice of this filing can be found here and on the Department of Public Service Website.

Notice Regarding Requests for Party Status

  • On July 21, 2021,  the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) issued a notice to persons and entities interested in participating in the case. They are invited to promptly apply for party status by filing a Notice of Intent to be a Party with the Secretary to the Siting Board. The notice of this filing can be found here and on the Department of Public Service Website.

Notice of Submission of Proposed Stipulations

  • On February 8, 2021 Garnet Energy Center announced it will file  Proposed Stipulations, pursuant to 16 New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (“NYCRR”) § 1000.5(j), as to the scope and methodology of studies to be conducted in support of the Article 10 Application, which will be filed at a later date. There will be a 21-day public comment period on the Project’s Proposed Stipulations before interested parties may execute them. Any person may submit comments within that period on the Applicant and the  Department of Public Service website, as provided in the Notice. The Notice of this filing can be found here and the Proposed Stipulations can be found on the Department of Public Service Website.

Notice of Commencement of Stipulations Process

  • On December 3, 2020, Garnet Energy Center provided notice of commencement of the stipulation process. Each stipulation essentially sets forth a proposed agreement among the participating parties on a particular aspect of the Preliminary Scoping Statement, the studies or program of studies to be conducted, and the contents of each exhibit to be eventually included in the Application. The Notice of Commencement of Stipulations Process can be found here.

Notice Of Submission Of Preliminary Scoping Statement

  • Garent Energy Center, LLC filed its Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS) with the Siting Board on September 17, 2020. The PSS summarizes the proposed scope of the studies that Garnet Energy Center will undertake, the results of which will form the basis of its Article 10 Application to the Siting Board. A copy of the Garnet Energy Center Notice Of Submission Of Preliminary Scoping Statement can be found here. The Garnet Solar Energy Center PSS can be found here.

Public Involvement Program Plan

  • A copy of the Garnet Energy Center Public Involvement Program Plan can be found here.
Meeting Log

As NextEra Energy Resources’ outreach activities for the Garnet Energy Center progress, a Public Involvement Program Plan tracking report summary will be posted to this page. This tracking report will be updated on a regular basis.


Garnet Energy Center PIP Meeting Log

This updated meeting log identifies Public Involvement Program (PIP) stakeholder meetings conducted by Garnet Energy Center, LLC through March 29, 2021.

Past Events

Virtual Public Statement Hearings

The Siting Board hosted virtual public statement hearings on February 3rd, 2022 at 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM. 

Garnet Energy Center Virtual Open House

Thursday, February 4 | 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.-7 p.m.

The community is cordially invited to attend a virtual open house for the Garnet Energy Center, a 200-megawatt solar energy generating facility proposed in the town of Conquest. Information about the project will be presented online and via phone. During the meeting, the Garnet team and its subject matter experts will provide a project update and answer questions.

Both sessions will include an update on the project, cover the same information, and follow the same format.

Two easy options for joining the February 4, Virtual Open House:

  1. By phone (line opens at 10:40 a.m. and 5:40 p.m.)
    1. Call 1-866-807-9684
    2. Ask to “join the Garnet Project call”
  1. Online (allows you to view presentation)
    1. Open your web browser
    2. Go to:
    3. Fill out contact information
    4. Click on the “Join Webcast” link